powered by Riipen

Connect with exceptional tech talent for your business

How it works

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In partnership with North Seattle College and powered by Riipen, TTBW offers students and recent alumni transformative internships in the tech sector. Through employer-led projects, participants gain hands-on experience and direct pathways to job placements so employers can hire the best-fit participants to join their team. Tailored career services and coaching empower learners to succeed in their tech careers, while facilitating Washington-based employers' access to exceptional talent by expanding their hiring practices. This partnership ensures participants are equipped with the skills and support they need to thrive in their tech careers.

Additional frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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Working with TTBW Participants

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How to create and submit a project for TTBW

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  • Web Application Design & Development
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Analytics 

What type of projects can I post?

Each project will be matched with a team of up to 5 learners.

Employers can post a range of digital tech projects, including but not limited to

What is Tech Talent Boost Washington?

TTBW provides students and recent alumni the opportunity to engage in employer-led project-based internships as a pathway to job placement. We support Washington based employers to expand their hiring practices to test-drive talent. Employers can assess candidates over a fully subsidized 40 hour collaboration, and hire the best-fit members to join their team. Whether it's filling immediate positions or building a pipeline for talent requirements in the near future, through TTBW  employers can meet their hiring needs, and get their digital tech projects completed.

Access our template library for inspiration, or browse to see what other employers are looking for. We make it easy for you to convert your digital tech challenge into off-the-shelf 40-hour projects.

Easily turn your business challenges into projects

Just mark projects complete to issue compensation

Your learners will receive a $1000 stipend for each project completed, paid directly by Riipen. All you have to do is review their final submission, provide feedback, and mark the project as complete.

Ready to connect with exceptional talent?

Apply now

Unlock 40-hour, fully-subsidized, digital tech interns, specialized in web/app development, cloud computing and data analytics for your Washington business, building and nurturing your tech talent pipeline.

Spaces are limited - post your project now!

A registered US business or non-profit organization, based in Washington State.

An elected official

Part of an organization that engages in partisan political activities, and/or a federal, state, territorial, or municipal government

Many Washington employers are already eligible

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Tech Talent Washington project need to include?

Projects should provide 40 hours of work per learner participating. Each project must be completed within 4 weeks. For more information on how to create and submit a project you can consult this this article.

How many projects can I submit, and how many learners can I take on?

There’s no limit to how many projects an employer can submit to the TTBW program, especially if you are hiring for multiple roles or across different teams in your organization. The participants will be assigned in teams of 5, directly to the project through the program. You must be able to provide at least 5 hours of mentorship and coaching to each project team you are matched with.

What if my project requires more than 40 hours of work?

If this is the case, we suggest splitting the one project into two distinct projects. Keep in mind working with 5 team members means a project can require 200 hours of work in total.

Register on Riipen platform

Step 01

Step 02

Request an in-platform match with the program

Step 03

Complete the eligibility form

Step 04

Collaborate and receive deliverables

Step 05

Build a sustainable network of talent and support

Post your project in 5 simple steps:

40-hour digital tech projects

Remote Mentorship

Test drive talent

Get the immediate help you need with projects by delegating your tasks to learners, at no cost to your business.

Post your tasks and work with participants remotely and directly. We require a minimum of 5 hours from organizations to communicate feedback over the course of your collaboration.

At a glance...

This is your chance to work with emerging tech talent who can bring new ideas and specialist skills to your business. Explore collaborations through fully-subsidized project work and hire the best-fit participants to join your team.


Learn more

TTBW is part of the Washington Tech Workforce Coalition, funded by the Washington Jobs Initiative/Good Jobs Challenge grant

North Seattle College's Application Development BAS and Computer Science BS students are ready to tackle your project.

They are eager to support your business in: 

Web Application Design & Development
Mobile Application Development
Cloud Computing
Data Analytics

Currently Open Programs:

Current TTBW programs

Set up your project

Program at a glance: